Dillan Thomas Chandler

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

10 Words, 5 pictures

Went to Kiddie Kandids yesterday. Dang, I'm a good-looking boy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dillan: Year One (part two)

Second part of the video:

Dillan: Year One (part one)

Dad put together a video with a whole bunch of footage and picures from my first year. So we uploaded it to YouTube and we're gonna see if we can get this embedding stuff to work. We'll attach it below. If your internet connection isn't quite fast enough to stream this video the best plan is to start it up, then pause it and wait until it has loaded all the way before watching it. This is part 1 of 2.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day, etc.

We just got back last night from the last of the four major family reunions on my Mom's side. This one happens every Labor Day weekend down at Fish Lake. And it's the whole family from my Mom's Mom's Dad's family's side, if that makes any sense. Anyway, we got there Saturday morning to see about 30 trailers parked all around a big parking lot. We did a whole bunch of fun stuff on Saturday: a boat ride (that I fell asleep on), an auction (in which I bid and successfully won a pair of hand-knit slippers) and a really good dinner (which I really didn't each much of except a punch bag that was excellent). Then on Sunday we went to church at the Fish Lake branch. It is in a giant lodge made of giant logs. It was really neat to see a different place to have church. There wasn't any nursery, just a choir performance and then a fast and testimony meeting.

Today we went to another new dog park. This one is called Tanner Park. You pass through the park and then hike down a big trail to a creek. Misha was going crazy running up and down the creek and splashing like crazy. She even swam a little bit. I think she is liking the water more every time we go somewhere. I had fun watching all the dogs splash and play, and I got in the water a little bit, too. Not too much, 'cause it was COLD! Later, we went over to Grandma's house for pizza and cobbler. We got Pier 49 barbecue chicken pizza, which is Dad's favorite.

I was cracking everyone up by counting today. I can count from 1 to 4 all by myself: "one, oo, ee, or!" And I can follow Mom's counting all the way up to 10. Well, usually I can, sometimes I get mixed up. Like tonight when I was following Mom I counted like this: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10!" So I'm pretty close anyway. On the way home I was counting, and I was telling Dad when the light turned green. As soon as it changed, I would yell, "REEN! GO!" and Mom and Dad were laughing so hard. It was a pretty good. Sorry no pictures for today.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Memory Grove Trip

Today we visited Memory Grove for the first time. Our friends Joe, Shantel and Adelynn asked us to come with them and to bring our dog. Memory Grove is an off-leash park up in the avenues of Salt Lake City. So we packed up Misha and headed up there. It was so fun! Addy had her two dogs there, A.J. and Phoebe. So the dogs were just having tons of fun playing together.

First we ate a picnic dinner of sandwiches and fruit, and then we went to play in the creek. That was the part that I liked the best. It was fun to get in the water, even though it was pretty cold. Plus it was really fun to watch the dogs run back and forth like crazy. They were so excited to be outside with no leashes on. Misha was running up and down a little waterfall. It was really funny to watch. We found a little pool off to the side of the creek, and tried to get the dogs to jump in and swim. Misha wanted to get in really bad, but she was scared. So she would just put her front paws into the water and paddle like crazy, but leave her back paws out of the water. What a crazy mongrel! Anyway, we had a lot of fun and I want to go back there sometime before the end of the summer. I'll post some more pictures down below.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Words I Can Say

OK, so I'm getting big. Really big. Here is a picture of me with my new cell phone. OK, well, I don't talk well enough to talk on the phone yet, but I do say some words. My very favorite words right now are "this" and "that" which I use to describe pretty much everything. Other words I like are the classic "mama" and "daddy", plus I say "da" for "dog", "buh-bye", "mo" for "more". Of course my very favorite word is "no", and I pretty much say that all the time, whether I actually mean no or if I actually mean yes.

There are a few more words I say from time to time, but the best was one time when I was at Grandma's. The whole family was there, so they can all tell you it's true. I was eating some crackers and said "I want some mo'!" Everybody cracked up.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dang I'm Cute

I finally figured out how to upload pictures on this thing. This is just about the most recent picture I have of myself. I'm wearing my favorite outfit and sitting in front of the crib. You can't see it, but the computer is just to my left, right next to the crib for my convenience.

It's way too early for me to be awake, so I think I'll take a nap and maybe I'll start uploading my journal starting tomorrow.

Joining the Information Superhighway

My name is Dillan. Today I am 1 year, 1 month and 2 days old. I've got a journal I've been keeping and I decided to move on up to the Internet with it. So I'll post these journal entries I have. I'll try to mark them with the actual day they were written, so it will all make sense.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Coming Home

Now that I’ve had a few days to settle into my new home, I definitely know I will like it here. I pretty much do whatever I want, and people cater to my every whim. It’s a pretty good gig. I’ve got the hang of this eating thing now, and I usually want to eat about every 3 hours or so. Mom always gets up and feeds me because she loves me so much. Somehow Dad seems to stay asleep, even when I’m really mad and want to eat right away! He’s a really good sleeper, almost as good as me.

Last night I woke Mom up at about 4:00 to feed me, and afterward she asked Dad to burp and change me. He was pretty tired, so he picked me up and then just sat there for a while. Probably for about three or four minutes. Then he walked to where Mom was and said, “What did you want me to do again?” He must have been pretty tired, because he was very confused. Finally Mom explained what she wanted, and he did his duty, and then I was happy.

I’ve had a couple of trips since I wrote last. Yesterday I went to the store with Mom and Grandma. Oh yeah, Grandma Spencer is staying with us for a couple of days. It’s pretty fun with her here. She holds me while Mom sleeps. Also today we went to Chevy’s for dinner. I didn’t order anything, but it sure did smell good!

Right now I’m just swinging and watching the baseball playoffs with my Dad. He wants the Minnesota Twins to win. Mostly because that means the Yankees will lose. I think I want the St. Louis Cardinals to win the World Series, but as long as the Yankees lose then we will all be happy.